A boy plays football on a beach with an offshore wind farm in the background

Offshore Renewables - The Club strengthens its support for offshore energy industry

InsightsDecember 04, 2020

There is a pressing need for the world to transition to a more sustainable economy and low-carbon future. Now, Norwegian Hull Club is strengthening its team to better meet the future demands of the global offshore energy industry.

Norwegian Hull Club has established a dedicated Offshore Renewables team, as global support for developing a climate-neutral energy mix continues to rise.

The move is part of The Club's drive to increase service, capacity and support to its clients and members involved in the building and operation of the offshore energy industry - both today and tomorrow.

The team is headed by Georg Nygaard, Head of Global Energy & Specialty. Its main focus is providing covers for the development and operation of offshore wind farms worldwide, with The Club's service concept well to the fore. There will be a particular emphasis on floating technology still in development.

Meet the team
Cecilie Pedersen
is Norwegian Hull Club's primary contact for Offshore Wind Farms. During her two years of intense training at The Club's Bergen office, Cecilie has been crucial in building up our Offshore Wind Farm portfolio. In September, she relocated to our London office and it is from there that she will work as Offshore Wind Farm main contact, with a particular focus on the London market.

Bin Wang will take the position of Senior Underwriter, Offshore Renewables. He has over nine years' experience from working in our Energy, Builders' Risks, and Special Risks teams. Bin has a proven track record of developing new lines of business in the market and new products, as well as finding creative underwriting solutions to unique and bespoke risks. In addition, as a part of our Special Risks business in recent years, Bin has serviced contractors in the emerging offshore renewables sector by providing tailormade insurance solutions to contractual liabilities. Now, in addition to wind farms and other offshore renewable energy installations, Bin will manage products and services for contractors and play an instrumental role in the development of our Offshore Renewables portfolio.

As the Club will be offering Claims Lead for selected projects and wind farms in the coming years, Lukas Carbol will be the first point of contact for Renewables claims. Lukas was recently promoted to Claims Handler with The Club and has two years' experience handling energy and builders' risks claims. A knowledgeable, dedicated and thoroughly service-minded member of the Energy & Specialty claims team, Lukas will work closely with The Club's Technical Services section, as well as its Loss Prevention and Emergency Response team.

It is also planned to further strengthen and develop the Offshore Renewables team during 2021.

Increased capacity
Starting next year, Norwegian Hull Club will also increase its capacity within Offshore Renewables, with an aim to offer increased shares. With extensive experience from the marine and energy segments as Claims Leader, Norwegian Hull Club will offer to take the Claims Lead position for some specially selected projects and wind farms. Other Offshore Renewable Projects will also be considered by The Club in this regard.

As mentioned, the Offshore Renewables Team will further focus on products and services for Renewable Contractors, including (but not limited to):

  • Marine Insurances
  • Contractual liabilities related to renewable projects
  • Deductible buy-downs related to renewable projects

For further information, please approach the Key Contacts on this page, or contact renewables@norclub.com​