Supporting PSC 2023 fire-safety campaign – reducing risk of fires on board
A fire safety Concentrated Inspection Campaign (CIC) by the member authorities of the Tokyo and Paris Memoranda of Understanding (MoU) on Port State Control is due to commence in September 2023.
Class Societies will also increase focus on the condition of on-board fire-safety equipment in the coming months. This follows a rise in recent years of blazes resulting from fire-safety-related equipment deficiencies.
Norwegian Hull Club considers that the Paris and Tokyo MoU CIC questionnaire, published on August 1, 2023, should be used as the foundation for any fire-safety equipment inspections on board.
Maintenance and routine testing of fire safety equipment must be included in your vessel’s planned maintenance system. The importance of proper training and vessel-specific familiarization of the crew in fire safety should also be stressed.
Since 2018, The Club has had particular focus on engine room fires caused by fuel and lubricating oil leakages spraying onto hot surfaces. The Club has handled many cases involving on-board fires over the years and we have observed that the frequency of such incidents is not decreasing.
The Club strongly supports the PSC campaign and, by drawing further attention to it, we want to again highlight the importance of taking precautionary measures to prevent fires on vessels. In regard to engine room fires, which Norwegian Hull Club experiences as the most common type of on-board fire incident, we want to stress the importance of proper maintenance and inspection of fuel and lubrication-oil piping and connections in order to avoid leaks.
Proper securing of piping is also necessary to avoid damage caused by vibration such as galling and fatigue cracks.
Modification to any piping system containing flammable liquids should not be carried out without first consulting the Class.
Hot surfaces should be properly insulated and covered with protective shielding. Any insulation that has deteriorated should be renewed.
Norwegian Hull Club wishes to highlight
the following in particular:
• That all fire safety equipment is maintained in good condition
• That procedures in place are in accordance with SOLAS/ISM requirement.
• An assessment to identify potential fire risks on board is highly recommended.
Norwegian Hull Club wishes you all fair winds and following seas.